The Drapeau Deschambault Foundation joins us
The Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation (FDD) and the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital Foundation (FHRSJ) are pleased to announce their unification. This alliance allows the FDD to sustain its mission towards senior residents of the Drapeau-Deschambault, Hubert-Maisonneuve, and Blainville CHSLDs, as well as the MDA of Blainville and Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines. This union will strengthen philanthropic impact by combining the resources and expertise of both Foundations to better serve and improve the well-being of our seniors in the community and reduce administrative and operational costs.
Through this unification, the Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation (FDD) and the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital Foundation (FHRSJ) commit to continuing to work together to improve the lives of residents and patients in the region.
“We are proud of this partnership, which will optimize resources, improve operational efficiency, and maximize philanthropic benefits to support initiatives for the Laurentian community.”

Suzanne Léger
President of the Fondation de l’Hôpital régional de Saint-Jérôme’s Board of Directors
“Rest assured that the funds received through donations, campaigns, and fundraising activities will continue to be allocated to FDD activities offered to residents, such as animal-assisted therapy, music therapy, the Snoezelen method, adapted calendars, musical entertainment, as well as specialized equipment and improvements to the residents’ living environment!”

Mme Michèle Lapointe
President of the Fondation Drapeau-Deschambault’s Board of Directors
The Drapeau Deschambeault Foundation
The Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation (FDD) provides residents of the Drapeau-Deschambault, Hubert-Maisonneuve, and Blainville long-term care facilities (CHSLDs) with various services, including animal-assisted therapy, music therapy, and other artistic activities. Additionally, the foundation provides specialized equipment to enhance their living environment.
Frequent questions
Why is the Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation (FDD) merging with the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital Foundation (FHRSJ)?
The FDD has decided to join forces with the FHRSJ to ensure the sustainability of its services for the community and to continue supporting these CHSLDs and MDA. This alliance strengthens philanthropic impact by combining resources and shared expertise, thereby supporting our respective missions and improving healthcare in our community, while reducing certain administrative operating costs.
What are the benefits of this unification for the community?
This unification will ensure the sustainability of the Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation’s mission by optimizing its resources, improving operational efficiency, and maximizing philanthropic benefits to support initiatives for the hospital, CHSLDs, and senior homes involved. As the saying goes, strength lies in unity!
How will this unification affect the daily activities of the Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation (FDD)?
The Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation will operate under the leadership and name of the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital Foundation, while maintaining its usual fundraising activities. These efforts will continue to be dedicated to the various services of the Drapeau-Deschambault, Hubert-Maisonneuve, and Blainville CHSLDs, as well as the Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines and Blainville senior homes.
How will we be informed about activities, fundraising campaigns, or news related to this unification?
We will provide regular updates via our respective websites and social media, as well as through email.
Can I ask questions regarding the unification?
Absolutely. We encourage participation and dialogue.
Send us your questions or concerns at:
Phone: 450 437-4276
What will happen to past, present, and future donations made to the FDDD?
All existing and future donations will remain dedicated to the CHSLDs and MDA supported by the Drapeau and Deschambault Foundation. The mission remains unchanged. For example, a donation received for the FDD will never be used to purchase medical equipment for the Saint-Jérôme hospital or to support one of their CHSLDs.
Your support is important
Would you like to support the Drapeau-Deschambault, Hubert-Maisonneuve, and Blainville CHSLDs, as well as the Blainville and Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines senior homes after the unification?
You can make a donation, a dedicated donation, or an In Memoriam gift to support the FDD mission and its facilities using our form:



You can also participate in the various fundraising events and activities organized in support of the Drapeau-Deschambault Foundation, such as the Mayors’ Classic or the Italian Dinner. All funds raised will be dedicated to supporting the Drapeau-Deschambault, Hubert-Maisonneuve, and Blainville CHSLDs, as well as the Blainville and Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines senior homes.